Tournaments in the Arnhem area 2

In the next couple of months, there are various tournaments in the Arnhem area. In sort of chronological order.

For those of you looking for a game on Sunday afternoon, local teacher and director Saskia has started to run a monthly game in Oosterbeek, in “De Valkenburcht”, Valkenburglaan 35, 6861 AJ Oosterbeek.  Dates for the remainder of the season are February 19, March 26, April 30 and May 28. The game starts at 1:30pm, entry fee is 15 euro/person, but that includes coffee, tea, soup and sandwiches. Pre-registration is required, to register, contact Saskia at or 026-8446892.

Next, there is the tournament in Didam. Sunday March 4, in “De Harmonie” in Didam. 2 24 board sessions, starting at 10am and ending around 5:15pm. Entry fee is € 40,00 per pair, including coffee in the first round and a lunch. To register, contact Klaas Brink at or phone 0316-228317. In parallel, transfer the entry fee to account NL84 RABO 0314 8153 41.  Interesting aside about this tournament: years ago, Sjoert Brink, son of Klaas, was a caddy. He liked the game and decided to learn it. In 2011, he won his first world title. 

Finally, on June 10th, BC Interbridge organizes its annual teams tournament. Start at 10am, 7 rounds of Swiss teams. 85 euro/team, including lunch. To register, go to this page. This is a great tournament, if you do well, you might even play against a Bermuda Bowl winner. 

No bridge today, I have been busy with other things. One of them was Boot 2017, where the Paul de Pecker collection was first presented to the public. Click here for details. The other one is a cheap alternative for the bridge clocks used by most clubs, based on the Arduino microcontroller. It still requires a bit of work, I’ll post something as soon as that is done. 

© Henk Uijterwaal 2019